Claro, aquí tienes el changelog en el estilo que proporcionaste:


2023 - Present

Web Designer & Web Developer

The company has high expectations and using OKRs there is a mutual understanding of expectations and performance.

  • Designed template UIs and design systems in Figma.
  • Converted UIs into responsive HTML and CSS with a mobile-first approach.
  • Created custom illustrations and item description banners.
  • Provided detailed documentation and customer support on GitHub.
  • Engaged with users to address setup inquiries, bug issues, and feedback.

2021 - 2023

Senior Software Engineer at Mailchimp

This is an excellent company and they reward their employees. It's becoming a big company but it's still private, so the culture is as good as it gets at 1,000+ employees if you ask me. Managers are still adapting to the growth I think, but everyone has to. Great place to work.

2011 - 2021

Junior Software Engineer at Slack

Work in Slack is one of the beautiful experience I can do in my entire life. There are a lot of interesting thing to learn and manager respect your time and your personality.

2010 - 2011

Freelance Graphic Designer

  • Worked with a diverse range of clients, delivering tailored design solutions.
  • Developed and maintained strong client relationships through effective communication and project management.
  • Utilized tools such as Notion for project tracking, Mailchimp for email marketing designs, Slack for team collaboration, and GitHub for version control and project sharing.
``` ### Changelog #### Versión 1.1.0 (Fecha de lanzamiento: [Fecha]) **Nuevas funcionalidades:** - **Guardado automático en localStorage**: El contenido del `div` editable se guarda automáticamente en `localStorage` cada vez que se realiza un cambio. - **Notificación de copiado**: Se muestra una notificación cuando el contenido se copia al portapapeles. - **Botón de seleccionar todo**: Se ha añadido un botón para seleccionar todo el contenido del `div` editable. - **Botón de borrar**: Se ha añadido un botón para borrar el contenido del `div` editable y eliminar el contenido guardado en `localStorage`. **Mejoras:** - **Estilo del `div` editable**: El `div` editable ahora tiene un marco con bordes redondos gris y se ajusta al contenido con un máximo de 100vh para toda la página. - **Desplazamiento vertical**: Se ha añadido `overflow-y: auto` para permitir el desplazamiento vertical si el contenido supera la altura máxima. **Correcciones:** - **Seleccionar todo**: Se ha corregido el evento de clic del botón "Seleccionar todo" para que seleccione todo el contenido del `div` editable. - **Notificación de copiado**: Se ha corregido la notificación de copiado para que se muestre correctamente. - **Notificación de borrado**: Se ha añadido una alerta para confirmar que el contenido ha sido borrado. **Detalles técnicos:** - **HTML**: Se ha añadido una sección de notificación al final del `body` para mostrar el mensaje de "Copiado". Se ha ajustado el `div` con el id `content` para que sea un `div` editable en lugar de un `textarea`. - **CSS**: Se ha añadido estilo al `div` editable para que tenga un marco con bordes redondos gris y se ajuste al contenido con un máximo de 100vh. Se ha añadido `overflow-y: auto` para permitir el desplazamiento vertical si el contenido supera la altura máxima. - **JavaScript**: Se ha añadido un evento `input` al `div` editable para guardar automáticamente el contenido en `localStorage` cada vez que se realiza un cambio. Se ha añadido un evento de clic al botón `copyButton` para copiar el contenido del `div` editable al portapapeles y mostrar una notificación durante 2 segundos. Se ha añadido un evento de clic al botón `selectAllButton` para seleccionar todo el contenido del `div` editable. Se ha añadido un evento de clic al botón `clearButton` para borrar el contenido del `div` editable y eliminar el contenido guardado en `localStorage`. --- Este changelog describe las nuevas funcionalidades, mejoras y correcciones realizadas en la versión 1.1.0 del proyecto. Puedes ajustar la fecha de lanzamiento según corresponda.

2023 - Present

Web Designer & Web Developer

The company has high expectations and using OKRs there is a mutual understanding of expectations and performance.

  • Designed template UIs and design systems in Figma.
  • Converted UIs into responsive HTML and CSS with a mobile-first approach.
  • Created custom illustrations and item description banners.
  • Provided detailed documentation and customer support on GitHub.
  • Engaged with users to address setup inquiries, bug issues, and feedback.

2021 - 2023

Senior Software Engineer at Mailchimp

This is an excellent company and they reward their employees. It's becoming a big company but it's still private, so the culture is as good as it gets at 1,000+ employees if you ask me. Managers are still adapting to the growth I think, but everyone has to. Great place to work.

2023 - Present

Web Designer & Web Developer

The company has high expectations and using OKRs there is a mutual understanding of expectations and performance.

  • Designed template UIs and design systems in Figma.
  • Converted UIs into responsive HTML and CSS with a mobile-first approach.
  • Created custom illustrations and item description banners.
  • Provided detailed documentation and customer support on GitHub.
  • Engaged with users to address setup inquiries, bug issues, and feedback.

2021 - 2023

Senior Software Engineer at Mailchimp

This is an excellent company and they reward their employees. It's becoming a big company but it's still private, so the culture is as good as it gets at 1,000+ employees if you ask me. Managers are still adapting to the growth I think, but everyone has to. Great place to work.

2011 - 2021

Junior Software Engineer at Slack

Work in Slack is one of the beautiful experience I can do in my entire life. There are a lot of interesting thing to learn and manager respect your time and your personality.

2010 - 2011

Freelance Graphic Designer

  • Worked with a diverse range of clients, delivering tailored design solutions.
  • Developed and maintained strong client relationships through effective communication and project management.
  • Utilized tools such as Notion for project tracking, Mailchimp for email marketing designs, Slack for team collaboration, and GitHub for version control and project sharing.